Discover your potential

14390 S. Robert Trail Rosemount MN 55068

See what our members have to say!

Andrea F
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"My experience at the Warehouse has been amazing. For the first time in my life exercising is actually fun! The wide variety of classes help to keep it interesting while providing me with a well-rounded, full body workout. I also love the community here and have made some amazing friends! From the very beginning everybody was so welcoming and inclusive, which I greatly appreciate as an introvert. The energy here is so positive and I have gone from dreading workouts to actually looking forward to them. They tend to be one of the highlights of my day now! The biggest thing by far that has changed for me since joining the Warehouse is my attitude towards exercise. I used to think it was something that I had to do to be healthy, but not something that was meant to be enjoyable. My main purpose for exercising was honestly to try and maintain a healthy weight. Now, I absolutely love working out and my main purpose has shifted to being more about my mental health...It is honestly one of the best tools that I have to maintain my mental health and keep my anxiety in check."
Kelly T.
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"It is so awesome knowing that The Warehouse has exactly what I need and is truly my therapy. I can relax with yoga, Pound it out when I need a release (I still want to snap a ripstix), or express emotion through dance at Oula. I had bloodwork done this summer and ALL of my levels were better than last year and in the healthy range. So much has changed for me, all for the better, and I am so thankful."
Kimmy S
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"I love being part of The Warehouse Community and all of the incredible people I have met. I was always very intimidated to particpate in classes and would typically be pretty quiet. If you know me, that is not my personality at all! I love that I can be my full authentic self in class and have the best time in an atmosphere that welcomes it. It is the tone set my the instructors AND the members. I have been so inspired by the members, their stories, and their dedication to feeling strong. I’ve created mentors, friends, and even teammates! I actually enjoy working out and look forward to seeing my Warehouse friends when I walk in the door. Working out is no longer a chore, but a fun priority that has become a natural part of my routine. I even kind of like cardio now… It has also become such an important component to my mental health journey. I have anxiety and try to take a very holistic approach to navigating it. I know I am my best self when I am consistently at the Warehouse."
Hillary R.
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"I’ve learned so many specific things about taking care of myself. Before the Warehouse I had never heard of foam rolling. Now I use my foam roller after every class. Before the Warehouse I had tried yoga, but never really connected to it. Now I take yoga classes 1-2 times a week and my daughter Anya joins me! My first Warehouse class I lifted 2, 3 and 5 lbs weights and had no idea what I was doing. Now I lift 8, 10, and 12 lbs weights and I know the proper form!"
Jenna L.
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"I became a full member of the Warehouse in May 2022 and haven’t stopped. I try to come to a class at least 3 to 4 times a week, and have come up to 6 times a week. The culture, community, and connection at the Warehouse isn’t like anything else I’ve been a part of. Everyone is kind, generous, welcoming, and fun. Being part of the Warehouse community, especially the Oula community has helped me be more confident. Overall, I want to be in a place where I have more good body days than bad, be in a space with awesome people, and get stronger. I have more energy, and confidence, I sleep better, and am proud that I take the time out of my busy schedule to prioritize myself and my health.I want to show my girls that they can be strong and confident, be themselves, and take care of their bodies. They even indulge my random Oula dance parties in the living room."
Ann D.
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"I actually love coming to work out. I love the classes, variety, instructors, and atmosphere. Every time I step on the mat, I have a sense of acceptance, like I’m in the right place. There is so much encouragement and so little judging. I feel stronger, more flexible, and more confident that I am on the right path. It has been so encouraging for me to meet so many members that have been coming for years. I really do admire their dedication, and I hope I can become that motivation for someone else some day."
Meghan D.
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"I feel stronger. I have more energy, I no longer get winded going up and down the stairs and most importantly I can keep up with my 7and 9 year old boys.Each teacher brings their own flavor/style to the boot camps and Marc’s boxing classes are great. Pound is a fun way to switch it up from weights/cardio."
Kat M.
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"Last year when I learned that Lori and Sandy had found a new home at the Warehouse, I was thrilled to dance with them again. The community that has been built around the Warehouse welcomed our dance moves right in. I feel supported to “move my beautiful body” as Lori often says in a way that feels good. We work through some tough stuff as we dance it out. If you ever want a little extra noise please come sing, shout, hoot, and holler with us."
Lauren G.
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"I just feel good, physically and mentally – that’s the easiest way to explain it! I notice I have more energy throughout the day and am in a better mood when I’m in a regular workout routine. I also feel overall stronger physically, so completing everyday tasks have become easier and I have more stamina."
Krista K.
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"After completing the Twin Cities 10-mile race in 2021 I injured and broke my foot. This resulted in surgery with over 2 very long months of being non-weight bearing in a boot. The only mode of transportation I could manage myself was the knee scooter. After graduating from the boot, knee scooter and completing PT I needed find a way to improve my mobility, flexibility and get back into shape. I register for Get Fit with a Friend with my friend Kristi. My friends Molly, Ann & Nicole have since joined and I love that we are able to enjoy this experience and opportunity to make self-care a priority. 6 months after joining The Warehouse I am approaching my 200th class. I have also been working with Nickie on assisted stretching each week, my flexibility has improved substantially as I have gained 5” in my sit and reach. I am so excited to have fully recovered from my surgery and look forward to running the 2022 Twin Cities 10 mile in October.I am stronger, feel more in balance, energetic and happier. I am excited to log onto the Mindbody app at the beginning of each week and priorities my health and wellness and register for classes."
Lea L.
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"I’m so thankful that Lori found The Warehouse, and we have a safe space to dance our hearts out and be vulnerable. You don’t find this at many gyms, and it is a light in a heavy world."
Natasha B.
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"The support I have found with fellow Oula peeps – and now with the amazing warehouse crew-has been priceless. I look forward to every single class now instead of dreading a workout, and I tell all my friends and family to join-you’ll be hooked. My energy and stamina have definitely improved, which is a top priority for me."
Kim S.
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"I could sense that this place was special, it had a good feeling about it. A couple weeks later I was visiting Cheryl and I attended class with her. It was awesome. Not only were the classes great, but the instruction was phenomenal. The encouragement to listen to what your body tells you but to also challenge yourself makes such a difference. The feeling of welcome and encouragement buzzes thru the Warehouse from the instructors to all the members. It is a special place."
Cheryl E.
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"I recently completed Egoscue training with Melissa. Egoscue intrigued me as a way to improve posture, increase mobility, and prevent injuries. I noticed that Egoscue has similarities to moves from yoga and Pilates. It is gentle and subtle but I can feel it working."
Jennifer A.
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"The biggest change for me is that I feel good about myself. I am more active than I used to be and look forward to working out in the evenings. Evenings have been a good time for me to transition from work at home into workout mode. I do try my best to take a few classes to make up for my loss of movement during the day. I feel with the zoom options I definitely make working out a priority. I ask myself “what is your excuse?”. I could be sitting at home on the couch watching TV OR I could be working out. It’s not hard to open the computer and take a class. I also like that even when I visit my parents in Rochester I can still take a class. Wherever there is a computer and internet access, I can workout. That I like!"


Whether you just want to drop in for certain classes, or you want to commit to yourself with a monthly membership, we’ve got the right price for you.

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Our fearless owner Nickie has had the pleasure of being a guest on Twin Cities Live. She loves being able to give fitness and nutrition advice to the people of the community!

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