Bonnie Anderson
April 2018

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
So I was asked, what did life look like before I stated focusing, I mean really focusing on my fitness and nutrition.?
I was always an active person, always trying to be better, look better, feel better, but wasn’t really sure how to go about it and stay motivated. I would try “Diet” after “Diet” and I was always looking for the quick fix with out all the work. About 10 years ago I started taking group fitness classes and immediately fell in love, with Group Fitness. So, I became an instructor, It was awesome. I loved the group settings and energy and I got my workouts in as well. I was at my Personal Best, so I thought. A few years into it, I started getting “lazy” and wasn’t focusing on my fitness as much as I should have and due to some life changes and bad life choices, I fell out of the Fitness world. I would try from time to time to get back to my “Personal Best”, but couldn’t find that spark or motivation.
What made you decide to make a change?
About 4 years ago, I said “Enough is Enough” and started my way back to a healthier version of me. A friend ask me if I would help him get healthy and lose some weight. at that very moment, I heard my calling, I felt a sense of worth to be able to help someone else become healthier. So I went to school to become a Personal Trainer and soon after that I discovered Pound. I started my own little business called, BA Fitness; doing home personal training along with Pound in the Park classes every Saturday morning.
After about a year of bouncing around from park to park and community centers, I went to a class at The Warehouse. My life has forever changed since that day I walked in to Nickie’s class, I started teaching Pound, Boot Camps, Volleyball cross training, etc. Along with still doing personal training. I was and am still working in a fine dining restaurant in Lakeville on the weekends and I am the “Boss” of an amazing 15 year-old daughter.
Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, BUT,I was tired. I thought, “Well, I am 52, I suppose thats ok! I had a severe case of the BLAH’s and had zero energy. I was giving and teaching and instructing everyone else how to be the Best Version of themselves, but put me last and there was nothing left in the tank for me except for naps and caffeine.
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
I could do fitness, but when it came to nutrition, I had a thing or two to learn. I was introduced to a fitness and nutrition program, by our Fierce leader, Nickie. Not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical at first, but I thought what do I have to lose? The first step is the hardest, I had to trust the process and trust the people who have gone before me and paved the way and get out of my own way. I am over the moon that I did.
I have lost 10 pounds, which most of it was water/bloating, I gained definition over my whole body and I feel amazing. My attitude is more positive, I sleep better, which means less naps and my daughter is “Picking up what I’m puttin down”, if ya know what I mean. I also feel more confident to help others navigate their way through their own fitness and nutrition journey.
I now feel like I have found The Best Version of ME, but only for today because it keeps getting better and better every day.!