Dave Tentis
April 2017

What made you decide to make a change?
Before I decided to make some health changes, I feel like I was tired a lot and lacked energy. My routine included coming home from work, taking a nap, and then making dinner. Sometimes a nap after that too! I was unhappy with how my clothes fit. It felt like I could never get full and was eating/snacking all the time. I certainly wasn’t a good role model for my kids on the nutrition front.
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
My wife Lynn joined the Warehouse in July of 2016 and she kept asking me to come to a class. It wasn’t until November 2016 that she finally convinced me to go with her. I can admit that I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able make it through a class. My work had a weight loss challenge contest in January, of this year, and that was a big motivator to continue with the classes and start drinking Shakeology
What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
When I first joined the gym it was difficult for me to make it through the first five minute “warmup” period. I started going there just a couple of times a week to “break myself in”. I now really enjoy going to classes and actually miss the gym on my days off. I feel a lot more energetic and motivated to want to eat healthy and take care of my body. I’ve also lost 34 pounds and it feels nice to look and feel better.
I think the biggest and best change is the impact that my health choices have had on the way that our kids are now much more conscious about their eating and exercise habits.