Stacey Kaufhold
May 2018

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
I honestly never thought about nutrition or fitness. When I was younger, I could eat virtually anything. As I got older, things started to change. Once I had my 2 daughters and turned 35, things starting going downhill quickly. At that point in my life, I was focused on my family. My girlfriend and I thought pasta w/jarred Ragu veggie spaghetti sauce and Twizzlers was a healthy meal. We were only looking at calories vs. the whole picture. I was always talking about wanting to workout but would always use not enough time as an excuse.
What made you decide to make a change?
We went on a family cruise in 2010. When we got back and had printed our pictures. There was one picture in particular of myself that hit me. I didn’t look anything like what I thought I was seeing every day in the mirror. After a few very emotional days, I started asking around for ideas. A friend suggested P90X, as I could do at my house whenever it was convenient (which ends up being around 4:15 am on the mornings I don’t go to the Warehouse). And that’s how I started. I knew nothing about weights, working out, etc. It took about 6-8 weeks to start seeing changes. But once it started, the change was noticeable
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
Not long after a couple times through P90X, my girlfriend talked me into entering into the Iron Girl duathlon which introduced me to running. Never had run before but in no time (or at least it seems like now), I was running further and further. I truly believe plyos from P90X is what taught me to slow my breathing when running. Since that time, I have completed many obstacle races, ran multiple 5k & 10k’s, and a half. After a few times through P90X, I decided it was time for a change & had to get out of my comfort zone. I hired a trainer at a gym to teach me how to use the equipment, and put together and help me with workouts. I still meet with him every 6 weeks or so to get a new workout schedule, go over new moves, etc. Somewhere in the mix of all of this, a couple of girlfriends and I tried some classes at a now-closed yoga center in Rosemount. Lakoda Will was one of the instructors there and we were instantly hooked. This woman pushed us to our limit every class. We followed her, which eventually led us to the Warehouse. After trying Get Fit With a Friend, my girlfriend Di and I decided to join and the rest is history:) Since joining the Warehouse, I have learned more about nutrition through Nickie (first through 21 Day Fix, and most recently through 80 Day Obsession). 80DO nutrition was exactly what my body needed to change. I was working out 2-3 hours per day (hubby says I’m addicted, which may be true) but not seeing any results. I can now say I have abs (woohoo) and can see more definition. Game changer! The Warehouse is the perfect mix to my strength training and running. The cardio/strength training combination at the Warehouse has helped with my endurance and overall fitness. The instructors there each have their own niche. How lucky are we? A hidden treasure found in the center of Rosemount for sure!! Since starting this journey, my self-esteem and overall outlook on life has improved. In addition, I am hoping that my girls are learning from my actions.