
October 2024

1. What did life look like before The Warehouse? What past experiences shaped your views on health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness?

Prior to becoming a mom, I was quite active with pilates and running. All of that “extra” time disappeared quickly with motherhood. A mixture of exhaustion, uncertain work schedules, poor eating habits, being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and more put me in a place mentally and physically that I no longer wanted to be in. I tried different workouts independently as well as other studios and gyms, but nothing was clicking with what I needed to move forward. Finally, I came across The Warehouse and it filled all the missing pieces (variety, convenience, support, etc.) I needed to make changes in my current lifestyle.

2. What has your experience been like since being part of The Warehouse? What have you learned? What has helped you grow or evolve?

I am coming up on my 1st year workout-iversay at the Warehouse, and it has been the best year! I started coming to the Warehouse by signing up for Bootcamp through Community Ed. I’m not sure what was spookier, my first Boomcamp class, or all these people I didn’t know dressed in costumes. Everyone in that class was very helpful and welcoming by introducing themselves, showing me where to find equipment, and treating me as if I had been attending classes for years. Showing up to a new place and not knowing anyone can be extremely intimidating and vulnerable, but I felt at home from the start. From then on, I slowly continued to add more workouts into my weekly schedule over the past year and now I cannot imagine my life without The Warehouse in it.

3. What has changed for you (attitude, energy, habits, priorities, race times, blood work, confidence, etc.)?

Having two little ones (ages 5 and 3) keeps life very busy. Last fall I decided to start dedicating time in my week to focus on my health. You cannot take care of those around you without taking care of yourself first. It is also very important to me to be a positive role model in many ways for my girls. Spending a few days a week improving my strength, stability, mental health, etc. has proven to positively impact all aspects of my life. Losing just over 20 lbs in the past year has also been a great achievement, but it’s the mental clarity and focus I can give back to my family each day that makes each workout worth it. There is nothing more rewarding than hearing my girls talk about how working out makes “mommy feel strong and happy.” I hope to continue to model this positive mindset and lifestyle for them throughout their adolescent years.

4. What is your favorite Warehouse workout song?

I love anything hip-hop, especially the early 2000s.

5. What is your favorite workout class?

Barre and Bootcamp

6. What is your favorite quote?

“Mommy goes to workout class because she is strong.” -My girls