Nov. 2021

I’ve never been a superstar athlete, but fitness has always been a part of my life – it is just as important to my mental health, if not more, than to my physical health. My workouts have varied and ebbed and flowed over the years including a variety of gyms, home workouts, running, biking, paddleboarding, walking, and more. I like and need a lot of variety, so when I found The Warehouse a few years ago, I knew I had found my gym Home! However, the pandemic hit me hard, being cooped up at home with no good way to burn off my nervous energy. I started turning toward the fridge and the liquor cabinet to try to cope with a huge range of difficult emotions. Even though I kept up with my workouts for the most part, which usually boosted my mood temporarily, I sunk into a depression and a regular habit of binge eating and heavy drinking.
2. What made you decide to make a change?
As my weight continued to climb and mood continued to plummet, I was feeling physically miserable too. My IBS was having a hay day with all the crap I was eating and drinking, and my digestive system was a mess. My energy was low, my mood was all over the place, and I just didn’t feel like myself. When I found my weight at the highest point since I was nine months pregnant, I knew I needed to change, and I knew I needed help to do so. I researched a doctor who specializes in hormonal imbalances, who ran a bunch of tests and found that my adrenal and thyroid glands weren’t working well, my iron was low, my cholesterol was high, and a handful of other vitamin and mineral deficiencies. She prescribed a slew of hormone replacements and supplements and a very strict initial diet, which also required abstaining from alcohol.
3. What has changed (attitude, energy, weight, habits, priorities, race times, blood work, confidence, etc.?)
With the help of my doctor, the Women for Sobriety support group, close family and friends, and the stable and always supportive Warehouse family – I am happy to report that I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight and feeling like myself again! I have rebalanced my eating and drinking along with my workouts – I focus on daily activity and getting my 10,000 steps, even while continuing to work from home. I have so much more energy, feel younger and more confident, and am happy with my body again, which in turn has improved my mental health and overall wellbeing.