Melissa Parish
December 2019

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
What made you decide to make a change?
I was sick of feeling unhealthy and not doing anything about it. I told myself that if I wanted to live the life I wanted, and be the person I wanted to be, that I simply had to make the decision to live that life and be that person each day. Nothing magical was going to happen to get me to make changes, it just needed to be a daily decision followed with consistent action. So I wrote down a list of goals, started meal planning, made a conscious effort to fill my mental space with positivity and encouragement, and decided that exercising each day was going to be a high priority. I started by walking every day and corralling my kids in the basement with me every evening. I would get on the elliptical for a minimum of 20 minutes while they did their own “exercises” of building obstacle courses and making a general mess. I worked my way up from there and by the time I heard my friends Jen and Leah talking about The Warehouse I was ready for a more challenging routine. I was really nervous coming to that first class but am so thankful I did it
How did focusing on health and fitness help you during a difficult time?