Eric S.

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
My weight gain began shortly after high school. I was a hockey player and in fairly good shape, but as I played less and less I slowly gained weight. I was quick to pick up several habits that really accelerated the problem, with fast food and Mountain Dew being staples of my diet. Then there was the Monday night date with my new girlfriend Amy at Reno’s Pizza in Rosemount when I really starting gaining. Looking back on it now I can’t believe we could really eat all that food! As life gets in the way I was always disappointed with my health, but not enough to make a commitment to do anything about it.
What made you decide to make a change?
If I’m going to tell my weight loss story, I should start at that moment of truth that forced me to make a change. This was long before I had ever heard of Shakeology or The Warehouse. In the summer of 2007 we were on a family vacation to Grand Lake, Colorado. At the time I was hovering right around 300 pounds. It really hit me on that trip that I was not happy with myself. It was difficult to keep up with Cameron and Kendall who were 5 and 2 years old at the time. Horseback riding was a whole other story. I made a commitment then and there that I was going to change, but I really didn’t know what to do about it. I had a couple friends who went through some very costly programs and were successful in meeting their goals and thought I should do that. This is when Amy stepped in with a plan. I know whenever I’m struggling with something she will always help me develop a plan. Looking back on it now, I may have been successful i n one of those weight loss programs for a period of time, but I know now I would have ended up right back where I was without a whole lifestyle change. Rather than going it alone we changed as a family. I lost over 80 pounds in a fairly short amount of time by just changing my diet and starting a moderate exercise program. If it hadn’t been for Amy and changing how we eat as a family the weight loss would never have happened.
How did focusing on health and fitness help you during a difficult time?
Fast forward to February of this year, after being plagued by a couple of injuries and getting a little off track Amy again comes to the rescue. She really does know how to push my buttons! The February challenge at The Warehouse was “Drop 10 with a friend”. Amy wanted to participate and knew if she told me there was another guy she wanted to be partners with I’d get off my lazy butt and come to The Warehouse with her. After 1 month of Shakeology and workouts I had managed to drop over 10 pounds and was completely hooked. I hated group fitness classes, but there is something different about going to The Warehouse!
My 40th birthday is this month. Yes, I’m struggling with turning 40, mostly because I don’t feel like I should be 40 yet. I am more active and in better shape than I have been in a long time. I’ve lost 35 pounds since February 1st and I feel great! I am now discovering in this new journey that I don’t have an end goal anymore. This is about commitment and determination to lead a healthier lifestyle. I don’t consider myself a health nut at all. I enjoy good bourbon or a glass or two of wine and I love cooking and eating great food, but now I work hard to enjoy it. I’ve gone from keeping up with life to seeing if life can keep up with me!