
My Journey to a better ME-wife and mother.
My refocus began after my husband had his second seizure. As a family, we knew exercise and eating healthy was a good thing. We knew it could improve our family’s health in general, and hopefully better control Brett’s epilepsy. Our older son experienced improvement with his epilepsy by focusing on his athletics, and nutrition, so we knew it would be beneficial for all of us. What we didn’t know, is how it would change our family dynamic for the better, and how it would help me personally. Thank you for reading my story! I hope it inspires you to take action.
OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. The road to a healthier lifestyle as a family was not smooth. Because Brett had two seizures, his driver’s license was temporarily revoked (for two 6 month periods.) He was ultimately diagnosed with epilepsy. That automatically made me the sole family driver. With three active kids in sports, I was extremely busy. During that same timeframe, my beloved father-in-law was diagnosed with a very rare form of frontal lobe dementia, and three years later, we had to say our final goodbyes. Within all of this, my personal health went on the back burner and I gained weight, and did not exercise. I couldn’t imagine where I could find the time for me; in my book, I wasn’t a priority, there seemed to be much bigger fish to fry. On that same note; I know if I had taken action on my fitness, my family would have supported me. The funny thing is, it just didn’t occur to me; I was caught up in taking care of everyone else. I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence at this point in my life, but I hid it well. I was always just trying to hide the weight I was gaining in the clothes that I wore.BABY STEPS. Our journey to a healthier lifestyle started small. We all enjoy being active, and we all love healthy foods, we just weren’t intentional about it. We started out by tuning more closely into our nutrition. Brett and I began seeking out recipes that were cleaner and more nutritious, without sacrificing flavor and convenience. Our recipes needed to be tasty, and easy!
For my own fitness, I started walking to help myself get moving; but I knew it wasn’t enough. To me, walking was a just a baby step in the right direction, but I craved more. In September of 2013, I started coming to The Warehouse two times a month, but I decided to up the ante when I bought a one month unlimited pass at a Silent Auction. I started coming 3-4 times a week, and BOOM-I was addicted. I met lots of people who were working toward the same goals, and I heard a buzz about nutrition shake called: Shakeology from my fitness friends. I decided to give it a whirl-literally- in my blender! I have one Shakeology every single day for breakfast. I add fun things like fruit, almond milk, peanut butter, etc. I mix up flavors all the time to keep it interesting! It is my daily dose of nutrition, and it keeps me satisfied until my midmorning snack or lunch. My kids even like to have a Shakeology once and awhile!
STEPPING OUT OF THE BOX. Never in a million years did I think I would enjoy taking classes in the early morning hours, but it fits perfectly into my day as a busy mom of three! Never say NEVER! I am enjoying the athletic changes in my body, and I was just joking with my daughter Claire about buying bikini bottoms and wearing a cute tankini this summer! After all, I feel like I have had a natural butt lift!!! On top of all of this, it warms my heart to feel how supportive my family is of the new me! Our family, as a whole, has become even more active. All three kids play Lacrosse (among other sports), and my husband has done the Tough Mudder! He actually said he thinks I could do the Tough Mudder too! WOW! In general, I find myself stepping outside of the box more and more. I chair the Epilepsy Gala, and I even went on a Mission Trip to Guatemala. Who knew embracing a healthy lifestyle would set other great things in motion for all of us?
PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. What matters most is what is happening on the inside, right? However, let’s face it, it is so nice to be down 20 pounds and 2 clothes sizes!!!!! Anyway, my husband’s work offers health assessments every year. This year, my report was great! My blood pressure is PERFECT at 112/62. My cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose are all in normal ranges. At almost 44 years young, I am very proud of these results and it is nice to know that things are looking good on the outside AND on the inside with the blood work results and the confidence I have gained.
SETTING NEW GOALS. Now, I will be stepping out of the box again and digging deeper into my nutrition with the 21 Day Fix. It is a portion control meal plan that will help me dial in my nutrition choices even better. I can’t wait to see where this will take me; LOOK OUT!