
In my younger years I had always been a fairly active person. I was an average athlete, with average health and fitness level. I could usually eat almost anything I wanted and maintain my weight within my “acceptable” range. I wasn’t where I would like to be, but in my mind “who is?”
After my second baby was born I was at a point where my weight and overall fitness level didn’t fall into my “acceptable” range anymore. I made a decision to put myself and my health and fitness a little higher on the totem pole.
I started running. I LOVED to run! No other cross-training, just running. Over the next year or so, I dropped the weight I had put on and then some. I ran races, ran for fitness, ran for sanity. But, like many of us, I had a number in my head that I just couldn’t get to. I honestly thought “if I can’t get to that weight and I’m running half marathons, it’s not going to happen.”
Enter the game changer. On my birthday I got invited to Bootcamp at The Warehouse by a couple of my friends who had been going. I was in the midst of half marathon training—in the best shape I could be, right? Marc played the dice game with us. I couldn’t walk straight for a couple of days. It was a realization that I wasn’t doing myself any favors by avoiding cross-training.
So, I signed up for the 21 day challenge, with Shakeology. I’m a pharmacist, and tend to be fairly skeptical about weight loss products. Calories In vs. Calories Out, right? No gimmicks, just hard work! Well, I soon came to realize that Shakeology wasn’t a gimmick. It was an awesome way to fuel my body to train mean! In the midst of this challenge were my last few high mileage weeks of half marathon training. My muscles were extremely fatigued because I was making them do new things all the time. I chalked the race up to a normal race…no PR (personal record for any non-racers) for me! I completed the challenge and hit my GOAL WEIGHT!!! Then I headed into taper week content with my progress. I ran the race on clean fuel (Shakeology), lean muscles, and with a happy heart. And I shaved 3 minutes and 30 seconds off my time!
It’s safe to say that I’m a believer! I’m thrilled to have found a gym concept that works, found a great fuel to keep me going, and to have the awesome support of the entire team at The Warehouse!“Enter the game changer. On my birthday I got invited to Bootcamp at The Warehouse by a couple of my friends who had been going. I was in the midst of half marathon training—in the best shape I could be, right? ” ~Jesse Androff