
1. What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
Before, I had a different mindset about nutrition. I had a tendency to reward myself with food or relax with food. Food was like a friend for me! While I still enjoy food, I stick to the 80/20 rule. The majority of the time I enjoy a healthy diet, but also enjoy my wine and treats.
2. What made you decide to make a change?
Despite exercising at least six days/week my eating habits were less than ideal. While my consistent exercising kept a major weight gain from happening, I was noticed that I was gaining weight, especially after turning 40. I wanted to be a healthy role model for my two daughters and for myself. I knew that if I didn’t start to make changes I would continue to gain weight and I didn’t want that. I signed up for the “Mean and Lean for Halloween” and began tracking my nutrition.
3. What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc.)?
I’ve lost 17 pounds, my blood pressure has gone from the “normal” range to the “low” range. I feel stronger and have a ton of energy. I also started running with my friend, Laurie McFaul, last summer. We ran a 5K and two 10 mile races together, which was amazing for me. If someone told me that I would run 10 mile races I would have laughed! Me, a runner?!
I tell my students that everyone is a learner, and that we are always learning new things. Working out at the Warehouse has been a great learning experience for myself and a TON of fun! The energy, commitment and help from instructors and Warehouse members is contagious!
If someone told me that I would run 10 mile races I would have laughed!