Runa Mullin
August 2019

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
Growing up I was an active child. I was involved in dance and some other sports, but working out was never a thing. Exercise was just something you did to look good. Throughout the ups and downs in life and particularly after having kids, it was always the same story – trying to stick with something to get results. The problem was I never stuck with it long enough to get results. I tried different gyms, trainers, diets, pills and everything society and media said I should do to see fast results.
What made you decide to make a change?
Fast forward to the age of 40. Married for 14 years, 3 kids and I was the heaviest I’ve ever been and decided that I must do something. The universe has a funny way of putting things in your path at exactly the right time. Nickie and I had crossed paths about year before at a garage sale of all places. I began to follow her on facebook and a certain post spoke to me and I commented, which I typically don’t do. She immediately invited me to try The Warehouse and I thought why not? I knew I had to start slow and with something I enjoyed. And so Zumba became my go to workout. Then BOOM! I read a book that said stop breaking promises to yourself. Yikes! I was guilty as charged. The thing is I was going 2-3 times a week for a year, and still not seeing any results, but I felt really good. So I decided to focus on that, not only for me, but for my kids. I want them to have this in their tool box as they get older, knowing that working out keeps you healthy on so many different levels.
That’s when the 80 Day Obsession came out and I decided to give that a go. I saw some toning but that’s about it physically. I felt strong though and I felt confident in so many more exercises. However, I really missed the community at the gym. Back I went, this time trying new classes that I hadn’t in the past. And I could do the workout. This was a whole new level of fitness for me. Fall came around and the countdown to fitmas challenge emerged – I jumped on it. I did everything to schedule those workouts and go no matter what stood in my way. This time however, I knew I needed focus on nutrition as well.
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
You know that saying that abs are made in the kitchen? Well it’s true. It sucks but it’s true. I didn’t see results until I changed that way I ate. The countdown to fitmas (2018) really propelled me into a person that enjoys fitness. That is not something I thought I would ever say. I am down 19 pounds – halfway to my goal weight. Don’t get me wrong, buying new clothes and cute ones at that is definitely a perk, but more than anything, I feel amazing. I have so much more confidence in myself to try new activities, that I have never considered as even an option. My husband and I completed a 5K in June. My first one. And I sucked. But now, even though I hate running, I want to complete just one race where I run all the way. Again, a goal I would have never set for the previous version of myself.
Here are my take aways from my journey so far:
1. My kids are watching. Teach them coping skills, setting a goal and failing, trying again, feeling good instead of looking good.
2. I know how to eat. It’s a lifestyle not a diet. And when I indulge a little I don’t beat myself up about it. I even have a little side hustle making healthy meals for a group of friends/neighbors that are busy but want to make healthy choices.
3. Baby steps. Part of my starting and stopping patterns in the past were a result of me trying to do too much at once. That’s overwhelming and difficult to maintain. So one by one I make it a habit, and surrender to the fact that reaching my goals will take some time. And that’s ok.
4. The Warehouse has literally been a life changer. Not only is Nickie’s vision inspiring, but her leadership brings the best trainers to the gym. They bring it every time, to every class, even if they are having their own problems. You would never know. The people that attend classes are nothing short of inspiring themselves. And the thing that has stuck with me the most is that I have never felt judged no matter what season I’m in. It has always been encouraging. So from the bottom of an eternally grateful heart, Thank You Nickie, all the trainers and staff, and members. That passion is what keeps me coming back for more!
Next on my list is learning to be a better sleeper. Wish this night owl good luck!