
March 2024

1. What did life look like before The Warehouse? What past experiences shaped your views on health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness?

I remember working out ever since I was little. My mom did exercise videos daily and I would join in with her regularly; our favorites were the Sweatin’ to the Oldies videos. I have always enjoyed working out from a young age.

It did become harder once I had my daughter. When I was three months pregnant, my husband left for a two-year deployment and I had no family around to help. Between having a newborn in a city a few hours away from family, working, and going to college I did not have much time for exercise other than walks with my daughter in the stroller. Needless to say my fitness routine started to go downhill because I couldn’t find the time to fit it into my schedule regularly.

My husband returned from his deployment when our daughter was 18 months and then I was able to squeeze in a 20 to 30 minute workout in after she went to bed. But a year later when he was on another deployment I was in a car accident. I was rear-ended by a car on 494 which turned me sideways and then I was t-boned by a semi at interstate speeds. Miraculously, I walked away unharmed on the outside of my body but I had a lot of internal damage to my neck, back, and shoulder and 16 years later I am still dealing with the after effects. This of course derailed my fitness for quite some time.

Eventually, I was able to start taking performance dance classes at a dance studio while my daughter was taking dance classes at the same place. I did this for a few years. This eventually reignited my passion for fitness and I decided to join a gym. Once I joined the gym, that’s when I found Oula and began strength training, not for toning but for building muscle. I also made it a priority to workout before going to work everyday even though it required me to wake up at 4am.

Before COVID, I was at my strongest and had my most muscular post-baby body (14 years after the fact). I had decided I wanted to try competing in a body building competition with the hope of it happening in 2021. Once everything shut down due to the pandemic I still tried training with what I had at home but my carpel tunnel in both wrists was getting to be too much and I ended up having surgery so I focused more on cardio, specifically Oula.

Once gyms started to open up permanently, the gym I went to pre-pandemic no longer offered Oula and my wrists were not strong enough for extreme weight training but by that point Lori and Sandy were teaching Oula at The Warehouse so I decided to join The Warehouse for the Oula classes.

2. What has your experience been like since being part of The Warehouse? What have you learned? What has helped you grow or evolve?

I love being at The Warehouse. Yes, I mainly come over for Oula but I appreciate the option of Zooming in and having the online library since I do not live in Rosemount. I use Zoom and the online library for my strength training and stretching sessions.

In 2023 my household had endured some very traumatic incidents surrounding my daughter. It has been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. During this time I continued to prioritize my workouts to help me through it but it wasn’t just the workouts that helped me but the welcoming community of The Warehouse who helped me get through it.

3. What has changed for you (attitude, energy, habits, priorities, race times, blood work, confidence, etc.)?

Since I have osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and stenosis, I have learned that I need to have a more balanced fitness routine and that it is extremely important to listen to my body. I love that I can pull up an online workout and find something that works for my body on that particular day.

All of the instructors are amazing and since I have joined, my passion for fitness has grown again because of the passion all of the instructors at The Warehouse have. In addition to being an Oula instructor, I am certified as a group fitness instructor. I have a certification in foam rolling and I am currently working on a Pilates certification and aqua fitness certification.

I remember how much I loved Sweatin’ to the Oldies as a young child with my mom and I am now working on building an after school Kids Oula class at the school that I teach at. I teach a weekly Oula class and I have secured a space for a monthly Oula X class that will begin in the near future. Even with all of this, I still call The Warehouse my home gym and make sure I attend at least three classes a week.

I am hoping in the next year to take my passion of all the fitness formats I am currently certified in and currently working on and share that love in my travels around the world.

4. What is your favorite Warehouse workout song?

Anything Pitbull

5. What is your favorite workout class?


6. What is your favorite quote?

“Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood.”-Unknown