Avery and Lilly
January 2019

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
Lilly: Before I joined the Warehouse I was playing soccer year round for Dakota REV. As I got older playing time became more competitive and if I didn’t get the amount of playing time I wanted, I saw it as not getting the workout I wanted. Time went on, and soccer was no longer the stress reliever, working out was my stress reliever, and soccer no longer gave me that.
Avery: Throughout my life I have been constantly involved in activities such as soccer, cross country and track but I got to a point where I hated doing all of those things causing me to fall into having an unhealthy lifestyle. Before I began my journey of living a healthy lifestyle I felt very insecure about myself. I would wake up everyday feeling horrible in my skin because I knew that I was not treating my body with what it needed. I compared myself to others and felt as though I was unable to take control of my life.
What made you decide to make a change?
Lilly: I found myself going on runs after games if I didn’t feel I got the workout I needed and joining my mom at classes at the Warehouse on the nights I didn’t have practice or a game. I one day asked myself, “Why am I still playing soccer, a sport that I love dearly but don’t enjoy playing anymore, if what I really enjoy is working out in a non competitive atmosphere where I can focus and gear the workout towards myself?” After playing JV for Rosemount High School my junior year I decided to stop playing soccer and focus fully on furthering myself in my fitness journey, but not alone of course! Playing soccer meant having the motivation of a team, so when I started going to The Warehouse I still wanted some of that team feel, so I decided to sign up with my best friend Avery.
I decided to make a change because I knew I deserved better for myself. I was tired of feeling insecure and terrible about myself that I knew I could get back to where I once was when I was happy. As I searched my road back to a happy healthy lifestyle my best friend Lilly recommended me to go with her to The Warehouse! From the moment Lilly and I walked into the doors of The Warehouse I felt that this was the place for me.
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
Lilly: After joining The Warehouse, I feel there is a lot more freedom in my workouts, yet there is still the structure I need to stay motivated. Avery and I would plan out the classes we were going to go to each week. We would even make our own calendar to get excited about it. Being able to plan my workouts out that I would go to with my Best Friend significantly brought my stress levels down. Going to The Warehouse has been one of my biggest commitments. If I miss a day or a workout, or want to try something new, I always know that it will be there for me. Overall, I have come to feel more confident in my own skin and have the courage to continue diving deeper into my fitness journey.
Almost everything about my life has changed since changing my lifestyle. I have CONFIDENCE now and I am happy! Not only does The Warehouse make me so happy but also Lilly does and when those two things are put together it creates the most amazing feeling you could ever experience! Lilly and I workout together almost every single time we attend a class and by doing so it has made me more motivated than ever! By attending The Warehouse it has made be able to step out of insecurities and feel amazing about myself.