Christy Danisch

Hi My name is Christy and Nickie asked me to tell a story about my fitness and nutritional journey. To be honest I have not always been faithful to this journey, in fact I really only started to take a interest in working out when I turned 48. I will be 56 by the time this hits the next featured person. To know a bit about me I am a wife to Gary for 30 years , a mom to two amazing young men, Drew is 26 and Chris will be 21. I am an Occupational Therapy assistant and I currently work with students grade K-12.
Nickie, has been in my corner since day one. I actually met her before she started the warehouse. I have been a member since Nickie opened the warehouse and I have been doing personal training with her for about a year and a half. To me, she’s my life coach. Each week when we meet we cover many areas besides exercise. Nutrition has been on the fore front of our talks while working out. After each session I always walk out the door with more confidence, feeling mentally and physically good. Currently I am doing the ultimate fix plan and I have lost over 7.5 pounds since April 2nd. I am eating very healthy and I really love the program. My plan is to continue this awesome program so I can get myself in a healthy place.
My journey has not always been an easy one, There always seems to be something that happens that prevents me from eating well, or working out. Just this March I fell and had a severe concussion, which had prevented me from working out and now I can only tolerate shorter sessions. In December 2017, my son Drew was diagnosed with a rare disease called Moya Moya. It resulted in him having major brain surgery in order to avoid a stroke or brain bleed. He has healed well. Life gets hard! It seems whenever I am in a good place and starting to work out more, eat healthy, BOOM!!!! Something happens to prevent me from staying on track. To finally get back on track after Drew’s surgery, Nickie encouraged me to find one thing that I could stay consistent with and no excuses so I choose taking my vitamins daily. To most people they would not think of this as a life long change but for 1.5 years I have stayed consistent taking them and I proved to myself I can be consistent with things that are important. This is how it starts.
I love to travel and I am always on the go. For years my excuse was always “I will start after my trip” Or “I have this dinner with friends”. Something was always in my way and it was easier to put it off then to just do it. This month I proved to myself I could incorporate my social needs along with my health needs. I think I went out to dinner 10 times (my birthday and anniversary month). I managed to make good choices but still enjoy myself, while losing 7.5 pounds This again is another accomplishment for me.
I don’t know if I deserved this honor to be the featured May person, but Nickie reminded me that I am living my real life. Travel, family and work will all get in my way of being the perfect person. I am writing a small glimpse about my story to remind myself and all of you that no matter how many times we have a set back, we can always get back into the saddle again and again and again. Because I have been on that saddle many times. I realize I will probably never get it perfect but I will keep trying to be the best version of myself by accepting who I am, managing expectations of myself and others as well as staying committed to my health. This hopefully will be the key to my success.