Carley Gerhard
November 2018

What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?
Before I joined The Warehouse and became consistent on nutrition and fitness, my body weight was all over the place. There were some weeks were I was so bloated and uncomfortable and other weeks where I was so deprived and tired from trying all the new “diets”. My family health history is long and lengthy, but to shorten the story, my doctor was very concerned about my weight, my cholesterol and my blood pressure since I was about 14. I knew that staying on the path I was on was not a healthy choice, but I was not quite sure what to do or where to start.​
What made you decide to make a change?
I was on a long term substitute teaching position in Farmington and a few of us teachers were complaining about our weight and how we were trying to eat healthy. As teachers, we commonly need grab and go lunches and snacks. Renee Parla was one of the teachers I was teaching with and she suggested that I come try out her neighbors gym that was just opening up. From that first class I tried at The Warehouse with Renee, I have been hooked. Nickie introduced me to Shakeology and I have drinking it daily for 2 1/2 years! Thanks for the invite Renee! 🙂
What has changed (race times, blood work, attitude, etc)?
More like what has NOT changed. First and foremost, my doctor is no longer concerned about my blood pressure, cholesterol or my weight. I am in control of my body and loving it! My extreme gains and losses with my weight are a thing of the past. Sure I may gain a few and loose a few, but so much more in control. I completed two 5k’s this summer, running both, no walking and my workouts are very consistent. Being a full time 1st grade teacher, it’s easy to put ME on the back burner. Now I that I found The Warehouse, I crave my daily workouts and am a much more patient, present and loving teacher because I am finally found a healthy life style that works for me!