2-2020 Lynn T
Lynn T. February 2020 Favorite Classes: Combat HIIT, Circuits, and P90XDog’s name: FinnCurrent favorite Binge Worthy Netflix Series: “Ozark” & “You” In September of 2019, I had my yearly physical. My…
Lynn T. February 2020 Favorite Classes: Combat HIIT, Circuits, and P90XDog’s name: FinnCurrent favorite Binge Worthy Netflix Series: “Ozark” & “You” In September of 2019, I had my yearly physical. My…
Heather & Lucio M. 2015-16 1. What did life look like before you focused consistently on nutrition and fitness?Heather: I grew up in a healthy household. My mom always made sure…
Dana L. 2015-16 I was always an active person in my younger years but had always struggled with my weight. I enjoyed all sports including hockey, basketball, softball and volleyball.…