2013-14 paul t
Paul 2013-14 From "YoYo" to TrainerLife before Nickie Carrigan Fitness and Beachbody was very up and down. I was called the "YoYo". I would diet and exercise to lose weight…
Paul 2013-14 From "YoYo" to TrainerLife before Nickie Carrigan Fitness and Beachbody was very up and down. I was called the "YoYo". I would diet and exercise to lose weight…
Cari 2013-14 After getting divorced, I put on 50 pounds and fell into a deep depression. I let myself go, mind, body, and soul. After about a year and half,…
Kelly May 2017 Being a full time teacher with 3 kids is no joke! Kelly was fit and active but needed to dial in her nutrition to get the results…